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Coronavirus pandemic reflected in Tallinn’s parking lots

Written by Yekaterina

The implementation of coronavirus spread alleviation restrictions for public spaces is also reflected in the occupancy of Tallinn’s parking lots. A sudden drop in short-term parking can be noted from the start of October, similar to the drop during spring’s emergency situation.

“Weekly parking data is an indicator of movement and business activity, such as service and entertainment,” according to reports.

Parking is rarely the main service for clients, but rather a means to get to other services. This also means that parking depends on region.

The occupancy of parking lots depends on which kinds of services and establishments are in the vicinity and what events are taking place. People are not coming to parking lots, but they are going somewhere they need to be and they park in the closest parking lot. This is why different parking lots have very different characters and their occupancy depends directly on what is happening around them.

If people from office buildings go to home office and service halls are closed, the parking lot will be empty. If there are no events at concert halls or theaters, the parking lots will be empty. If there is construction on the neighboring plot, the parking lot is full of construction worker’s cars.

A reflection on parking occupancy shows a lot about the general well-being of surrounding businesses. Since many businesses and activities in Vanalinn have been closed, it is immediately reflected in parking data. If parking lots are empty, then service establishments in the area are also likely struggling.

Thankfully, now that the government has started the vaccination of the public, things are starting to look a little better again. The number of cases dropping and hopefully by summer the current situation has ended and life can continue just as before.