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Automatic control system
ANPR cameras

Control System

1. ANPR camera detects with 99% accuracy car plate numbers enetering parking lot with timestamp and image
2. In case of violation Carsleep system will generate alert for inspector with car details to issue to fine
3. Ability to pay by Carsleep Application in case of exceeding allowed time or to exit parking within it

What information do the cameras read:

  • Car number
  • Check-in and check-out times from the parking lot

The hardware set includes:

  • At least two ANPR cameras*
  • Switch with PoE*

* You can discuss with Carsleep expert the possibility of installing additional equipment in accordance with the characteristics of your parking area (number of entries and exits)

Hassle-free parking management

Our parking management solution: simplicity, convenience, efficiency. Carsleep automates all processes, giving you complete control over your parking business using ANPR cameras and Carsleep system. Parking becomes as convenient as possible for drivers: they no longer need to waste time getting a ticket or registering in kiosk. All this happens automatically. In addition, Carsleep system guarantees monitoring of compliance with parking time and automatic notification of the inspector if the free time expires

Principle of operation :

The car is registered when entering the parking lot by an ANPR camera, activating the Carsleep parking system
The Carsleep system informs an inspector about the expiration of free parking time
An inspector checks car license plates against a list from Carsleep and issues fines
A driver can choose a convenient payment option after the free parking time finished
Entrance to the parking lot

A driver drives up to an on-street parking lot with ANPR cameras. Upon entry, ANPR camera automatically recognises the car’s license plate number and transmits the data to Carsleep system. Carsleep system starts the parking process automatically, without additional actions from a driver. A driver leaves the car for a specified time set by the parking operator for a given zone (for example, 1 hour free).

Leaving the parking lot
  1. At the end of the free parking time, a driver can go to the exit of the parking zone, where the ANPR camera automatically recognises the number of his car and transmits the data to Carsleep system. This results in an automatic parking time stop for a given vehicle without additional action on the part of a driver.
  2. If a driver decides to extend the parking time beyond the free period, he can make payment via the Carsleep app or SMS, depending on the parking operator's settings. Upon completion of parking, a driver must move to the exit, where the ANPR camera again recognises the vehicle number and transmits the data to Carsleep system, completing parking automatically.

All actions of a vehicle entering and leaving the parking zone are displayed to the operator in Carsleep parking management system. Additional payment for parking time is charged in accordance with the tariffs established by the operator.

Additional features
  1. Affordable. Flexible payment and low start-up costs: pay per use Carsleep system
  2. Control. You control your parking: set different tarifs for any period of time without the need for manual changes. The system automatically applies tariffs according to your settings
  3. Worldwide availability. Using the Carsleep system, parking will be available to drivers from different countries (we support multilanguages and more than 135 different currencies)

Contact Carsleep’s experts today

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